Monday, January 09, 2006
Happy New Year

We have also had a chance to do some other updates which we have been waiting several weeks to do, so read on....
Rocky Mountains:
Some better 'zoom' pictures of the spiral rail tunnels. Possibly not that exciting to many of you, but if you're interested they are in this photo set.
Vancouver Aquarium:
Some additional dolphin pictures from our 'Big' camera in this photo set.
Grand Canyon:
A few short video clips added. These aren't going to win any Oscars, but they might help to give a better idea of the scale of the place (if you haven't already been there).
Las Vegas:
Video clip of the interior of the Excalibur added.
Video clip of the hot springs added.
Fiji Map:
Image updated to show our actual route around the islands.
Apologies if you get duplicated update emails for any of these, but it took me a couple of attempts to get some of them right!