Saturday, March 25, 2006
Some Technical Stuff and a New Website! (sort of)

Sorry, it still looks a bit odd in Internet Explorer but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. So, if you're getting to much blue spreading across the screen you have two choices:
1) Ignore it, it's not that bad.....
2) Get Firefox! (It's much better anyway!!)
Missing RMail Updates?
I've noticed that there may have been a problem with the email updates from RMail. They may have made some changes around the same time as we had our 'problems' and since then I realised I'd had no emails. However, I re-subscribed and it seems to be OK now.
So, if you signed up for email updates through the RMail box over on the left and you haven't been getting the emails lately, then try siging up again and it should be OK.
New Website (sort of)
I've been hoping to put together a separate site with some information about the places we've stayed, the websites we have used to book hotels etc., and some other bits. I know this will probably be of little interest to many of you, but I've made a start just in case someone finds it useful when planning a trip...
I haven't had time to do it 'properly' yet (we're so busy!!), but I have found a quick method of listing the links. So, if you're interested, have a look at . Ignore the main body of the page because it only shows the most recently added links. Instead look over at the right hand side of the page and you'll see the links in several categories. At the moment the main lists are links to Accommodation and Booking Websites. There is also the beginnings of 'Accessories' (a.k.a. "Have we really used all that stuff we brought with us?"!).
Even if you're not interested in our links have a look at, it's a really good way of having access to all your bookmarks from home when you are using the internet somewhere else..... like at work (come on, own up, you know who you are!!).