Wednesday, March 29, 2006
So Where The Bl**dy H*ll Are You?

By now you may, or may not, have seen the new Australian tourism TV commercial. It received much publicity here, mainly because it seemed to upset or offend almost every country it was exported to! The Americans didn’t like it much, the UK banned it from TV, the Canadians wre happy with the word ‘Bloody’, but didn’t like ‘Hell’, and in Singapore they just didn’t like any of it!
This was the cause of much amusement/derision from Aussie TV/Radio presenters, who couldn’t really understand what all the fuss was about (and you only have to listen to the politicians insulting each other in parliament to realise that this is pretty tame language as far as they are concerned). It was taken so seriously in fact that a reasonably senior politician was dispatched to London to try (successfully we believe) to overturn the TV ban.
The only problem is, that amidst all the outrage, the one thing they seem to have overlooked is that the advert is, in fact, CRAP!!