Monday, March 20, 2006
Having a Break.....

......... well, after several weeks on the road and more miles under our belts than we care to mention (probably not really doing our bit for the environment!) we have made it to Melbourne for a short break and to support the British and Fijian contingents at the Commonwealth Games (someone needs to keep the Aussies in check) ....and getting 2006's Formula 1 experience in. Since we started writing this note we have already been to the rugby 7's, so you'll probably know by now that our support only led to a silver and bronze medal (despite Nikky almost losing her voice shouting and cheering).
The Australians didn't win it either though, which explains why there was a strange absence of rugby coverage in the papers the next day!! In fact, it's fair to say that the media coverage is just a tad biased (the TV schedules in the paper have a disclaimer each day that says "coverage may vary subject to Australian results and performances"!!. If the Aussies don't think they will win a medal the media can quite happily pretend the event doesn't exist. The finals session of the rugby was attended by a record 50,000 people, and yet (because they hadn't expected much from their team) it hadn't even been mentioned in the paper that morning in the events guide!
We are in Melbourne until the 3rd of April now, so there may not be too much to update you on for a couple of weeks (although we are about to head off to Canberra for a couple of days) but we'd love to get e-mails from you all and hear all your news. We'll also promise to try to avoid publishing too many grand prix pictures for those of you who will be bored by it.....
New Zealand will follow soon and as this is one of my (Nikky's) highlights there are bound to be LOTS of pictures so prepare yourselves! Then it is off to Japan, which Mark may be looking forward to more than Nikky (as she is concerned that she will spend the whole time standing outside "gadget shops").
Anyway .... sit back and relax and we will be back on air soon.