Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The 'Southwest Corner'

From Bunbury we headed further south. Along the way we stopped in Busselton, which has the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere. At least it had the longest, a section collapsed in a storm last year, so maybe it isn’t the longest anymore. Either way it’s quite impressive at just over 1.8km, which is a fair walk now that the little train that used to carry tourists is out of action! Rather than a seedy amusement arcade at the end they have built an underwater ‘observatory’. A spiral staircase takes you down 8m to the seabed where you can watch the local marine life. All the entry fees go towards the repairs to the jetty (which needs about ($18 million at the moment) so it’s all for a good cause.

Our stop for the night was the town of Margaret River which also happens to be the centre of yet another wine region, so we finished the afternoon with a couple of tasting visits and ended up with a half case of wine to add to our luggage!

The following day we visited Cape Leeuwin, the point where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet. Of course you can’t see any difference between the two bodies of water, but there’s a nice little sign so you can take your holiday photo! This is also the most South Westerly point in Australia, so we are almost as close to the South Pole as we are to the far North East of Australia (actually there’s probably about 1000km in it, but it sounds good!).

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