Tuesday, November 08, 2005

In the middle of all this desert is the small town of Kelso (no populations quoted on signposts in Arizona or Nevada so we cannot comment on the status of the smallest town competition at this stage although there must have been one or two around here that are in the running). Kelso is technically in California so we may write to Arnie when we get back and ask where the sign is - unless there are any volunteers in the interim. The only thing happening in Kelso is a train station - originally for steam trains to top up on water, now it has been restored and gets 3 passenger trains a week ..... hardly Paddington!
Nearby are the Kelso Dunes, according to a Geology student that we met there, they are pretty spectacular in the geological world. They we ok ..... The lady we met was too scared of heights to hike to the top with the rest of her classmates for her lecture so watched from lower down and missed out on the lecture altogether. Instead she got to talk to us and although she confirmed that Northampton is a bona fide University as that was where she was studying, she claimed to have never heard of you Simon so we figured that you have been having us on all these years!