Monday, October 17, 2005
You went WHERE?!

So what do you need to build 747, 767 and 777’s? Well, the building covers just under 98 acres, stands 11 storeys tall, and the staff can jog the 2.4 miles around the outside. You also need a staff of 15,000 to put the 6 million parts together, and 19 cafeterias to keep the production running 24 hours a day.
Unfortunately there are no photos of any of this because you aren’t allowed to take ANYTHING onto the tour.
We followed this up with a visit to the museum of flight, which is the final resting place of the Concorde which made the last commercial flight. Once again this may not seem all that interesting to some of you..... but look at it this way, the other two major companies in Seattle are Starbucks and Microsoft. Which museum would you rather see pictures of?!