Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Heading north up the coast...

We have taken hundreds of pictures of the Pacific Ocean crashing on the rocks of the North Coast but a few samplers here should highlight how spectacular it was (we'll try not to bore you with TOO many pictures!). The ruggedness of the coastline means LIGHTHOUSES and we saw several ....... Raccoons came to greet us at one in anticipation of some dinner but we left that to the next tourists!
Twice a year you can apparently watch whales from the coast with binoculars as they migrate north and south. Unfortunately we were just a few weeks early for the November viewing season.
Goat Rock was a small beach area and cove where Harbour Seals live.
We spent nearly an hour watching them frolicking about in the incoming tide and loafing about on the beach ... it’s a seals life ....