Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The scenery around Banff is at least as spectacular as you would expect, but the town itself is not really much different from any other tourist place. The same very friendly locals that we have met everywhere so far, but with the added attraction of groups of 30 to 40 Japanese tourists being led from one tacky gift shop to the next!
Banff National Park was a wilderness extravaganza - we saw Elk, Mountain Goats, Squirrels and Big Horn Sheep - and yes their horns are all knarled and curly, whether or not the more knarled and curly is a sign of wisdom v youth we are not sure but it didn't stop them stepping out into oncomming traffic! The scenery in the park is beyond words, hopefully the pictures will do it some justice.
The water in all of the streams, lakes and waterfalls was pefectly clear (and VERY cold!) as most of the water comes from glacier melts.